Tata Consultancy Services [TCS]
Department of commerce signed an
MoU with TCS Tata Consultancy Services (TCS) to offer an industry integrated,
unique three years full time B.Com (BPS) degree programme. The curriculum specializes in Business Process services. [Click here to know more]
ACCA through
collaboration between ACCA (the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants)
and ISDC (the International Skill Development Corporation) has been agreed so
that ISDC students can study for the ACCA Qualification alongside their
undergraduate degree.
CMA through Miles Academy
We have
partnered with Miles Professional Education to make available the globally
accepted Certified Management Accountant (CMA) certification programme at SJC
which is offered by Institute of Management Accountants (IMA), USA for BBA
Students. [Click here to know more]
coaching through North Star Academy
B.Com and BBA
students now have the opportunity to pursue their CA/CS qualification in tandem
with their degree. The course framework of CA coaching is developed by North
Star Academy will be taught by the experienced faculty and the expert trainers
of North Star Academy.
Sunway University - Malaysia
On 29th September
2017, Sunway College (KL) and St. Joseph’s College (Autonomous), Bengaluru,
India signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the aim to foster
collaboration between the Victoria University Undergraduate Programme and the
School of Commerce, St Joseph’s College (Autonomous). The objective of the MoU
is to promote academic excellence and expand international opportunities in
education and research between the two educational institutions. This
collaboration is intended to cover three main areas namely, to facilitate
student exchange, academic staff exchange and collaborative research projects
between the two educational institutions. [Click here to know more]