Department of Commerce and Management at St. Joseph's College provides an enabling environment to help its students stand out both academically and in shaping them to an overall balanced personality both in terms of the college’s vision and today’s competitive environment. This blog reflects plethora of activities, contributions reflecting ethos and aspirations of the students and faculty members of department of commerce and management.

Professional Interface Forum, 2nd edition

Professional Interface Forum, 2nd edition
Skills set for successful career in corporate world
22nd June 2019
Invited Guest Speaker: Mr Simanapalli – Former Manager SBI and Toastmaster

The ability to speak is a shortcut to distinction, and the person who can speak acceptably is usually given credit for an ability out of all proportion to what he or she really possesses. This was the main message that Mr. Ramlal Simanapalli conveyed through his one and half hour talk to the young and aspiring students from the department of commerce. Mr Simanapalli, renowned Toastmaster from USA, emphasized on the 1st key to success is not to just hard work but to also pronounce and announce it. His theory goes this way “An ounce of work should be followed by a pound of announcing.” A successful CEO is not somebody who knows everything in that field but he is the only person in that company who can efficiently communicate with all his employees to get the job done. Our body language while we communicate matters the most because people will notice when you are animated while you’re talking to them. The flip side being, the failure, is just a stepping stone to success He says the 2nd key to success is Team Work. To be able to bring together a team and drive them towards the same aim will profoundly reflect in the movement of an individual in the Corporate World. Elements like team goal, decisions, problem solving, criticism and creativity will determine the success of the team. Being angry is not a good sign, but being angry to the right person at the right time with right amount will give you maximised result.
He brought into light the immense effect that the Toastmaster program had showed up in his career that helped him move up the corporate ladder. He also added, things that like really matter are not the work knowledge that we need to have, rather its common sense and to be dynamic in nature. When asked about role of humour in the corporate world, his answer was by an example that he had witnessed when he was in America. The incident goes like this, a man wanted to buy half a lemon and for this he goes to the market to find no one would give him as half a lemon and finally after a lot of asking one vendor agrees to ask his master’s permission to give half a lemon. For this he asks the man who came to the shop to wait there and goes inside to ask the master his permission. He opens his request to his master with this statement, “A jackass is waiting outside to buy half a lemon.” And to his surprise the man who he asked to wait outside had also followed him and when he noticed this, he kept his cool, and turned to the person and said, “And this gentleman is waiting to buy the other half.” All of this proves that communication plays a vital role not only in the corporate world but in our daily life too.